Welcome to Storyfiber

Welcome to Shari Lynn's web site, home of the Jack of All Trades and Master of Some.

At a renaissance faire, one musical performer, after commenting on how much he loved his job, asked the audience members if anyone there thought their job was better. Shari Lynn raised her hand and once she was through telling what she did, he declared her the winner. We hope you'll agree.

By clicking on one of the links below you will find information on each of the trades that Shari Lynn has mastered as well as information on her workshops, classes, background, examples of her work, and how to contact her. If you would like more information, please send an email and Shari Lynn will be glad to help you.

To quote spoken-word poets Sarah Kay and Phil Kaye, "Love comes when she will, and leaves when she must." Thanks for stopping by, make yourself at home, and please leave the door open behind you.